GET api/tour/management/Statistic
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
CountryId | integer |
None. |
CityId | integer |
None. |
NameTour | string |
None. |
CodeAgreement | string |
None. |
FioTourist | string |
None. |
PriceForTourist | decimal number |
None. |
PriceForAgency | decimal number |
None. |
Price | decimal number |
None. |
PayedForAgreement | decimal number |
None. |
DebtForAgreement | decimal number |
None. |
StatusAgreementId | integer |
None. |
PartnerId | integer |
None. |
DepartmentId | integer |
None. |
ManagerId | integer |
None. |
DateCreate | SerializedDateTime |
None. |
DateStart | SerializedDateTime |
None. |
DateEnd | SerializedDateTime |
None. |
Days | integer |
None. |
PerPage | integer |
None. |
CurrentPage | integer |
None. |
OrderBy | Collection of string |
None. |
OrderingFields | Collection of OrderingField |
None. |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
GetTourStatisticResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Items | Collection of TourStatisticItem |
None. |
Total | integer |
None. |
ResultQueryInfo |
Сообщения |
ResultQueryInfoContainer |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Items": [ { "AgreementId": 1, "AgreementCode": "sample string 2", "Name": "sample string 3", "Country": "sample string 4", "City": "sample string 5", "TourName": "sample string 6", "Tourists": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "PriceForTourist": 7.0, "PriceForAgency": 8.0, "Price": 9.0, "PayedForAgreement": 10.0, "DebtForAgreement": 11.0, "StatusAgreement": "sample string 12", "Partner": "sample string 13", "Department": "sample string 14", "Manager": "sample string 15", "DateCreate": { "Serialized": "01.01.1970", "HasValue": true, "Milliseconds": 3, "Format": "sample string 4" }, "DateStart": { "Serialized": "01.01.1970", "HasValue": true, "Milliseconds": 3, "Format": "sample string 4" }, "DateEnd": { "Serialized": "01.01.1970", "HasValue": true, "Milliseconds": 3, "Format": "sample string 4" }, "Days": 16, "ProfitFact": 17, "ProfitPlan": 18 }, { "AgreementId": 1, "AgreementCode": "sample string 2", "Name": "sample string 3", "Country": "sample string 4", "City": "sample string 5", "TourName": "sample string 6", "Tourists": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "PriceForTourist": 7.0, "PriceForAgency": 8.0, "Price": 9.0, "PayedForAgreement": 10.0, "DebtForAgreement": 11.0, "StatusAgreement": "sample string 12", "Partner": "sample string 13", "Department": "sample string 14", "Manager": "sample string 15", "DateCreate": { "Serialized": "01.01.1970", "HasValue": true, "Milliseconds": 3, "Format": "sample string 4" }, "DateStart": { "Serialized": "01.01.1970", "HasValue": true, "Milliseconds": 3, "Format": "sample string 4" }, "DateEnd": { "Serialized": "01.01.1970", "HasValue": true, "Milliseconds": 3, "Format": "sample string 4" }, "Days": 16, "ProfitFact": 17, "ProfitPlan": 18 } ], "Total": 1, "RedirectUrl": "sample string 2", "ResultQueryInfo": { "ResultsCount": 1, "HasError": false, "Info": [], "CacheStorageTimeEnd": true, "RefreshPeriod": 0, "DelFromCacheDateTime": "2025-03-12T09:06:05.7767706+03:00", "UserMessages": "", "UserMessagesHtml": "" } }
application/xml, text/xml
<GetTourStatisticResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <RedirectUrl xmlns="">sample string 2</RedirectUrl> <ResultQueryInfo xmlns=""> <_x003C_DelFromCacheDateTime_x003E_k__BackingField>2025-03-12T09:06:05.7767706+03:00</_x003C_DelFromCacheDateTime_x003E_k__BackingField> <_x003C_ResultsCount_x003E_k__BackingField>1</_x003C_ResultsCount_x003E_k__BackingField> <info /> </ResultQueryInfo> <Items> <TourStatisticItem> <AgreementCode>sample string 2</AgreementCode> <AgreementId>1</AgreementId> <City>sample string 5</City> <Country>sample string 4</Country> <DateCreate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:_format>sample string 4</d4p1:_format> <d4p1:_serialized>01.01.1970</d4p1:_serialized> <d4p1:_value>1970-01-01T03:00:00.003+03:00</d4p1:_value> </DateCreate> <DateEnd xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:_format>sample string 4</d4p1:_format> <d4p1:_serialized>01.01.1970</d4p1:_serialized> <d4p1:_value>1970-01-01T03:00:00.003+03:00</d4p1:_value> </DateEnd> <DateStart xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:_format>sample string 4</d4p1:_format> <d4p1:_serialized>01.01.1970</d4p1:_serialized> <d4p1:_value>1970-01-01T03:00:00.003+03:00</d4p1:_value> </DateStart> <Days>16</Days> <DebtForAgreement>11</DebtForAgreement> <Department>sample string 14</Department> <Manager>sample string 15</Manager> <Name>sample string 3</Name> <Partner>sample string 13</Partner> <PayedForAgreement>10</PayedForAgreement> <Price>9</Price> <PriceForAgency>8</PriceForAgency> <PriceForTourist>7</PriceForTourist> <ProfitFact>17</ProfitFact> <ProfitPlan>18</ProfitPlan> <StatusAgreement>sample string 12</StatusAgreement> <TourName>sample string 6</TourName> <Tourists xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:string>sample string 1</d4p1:string> <d4p1:string>sample string 2</d4p1:string> </Tourists> </TourStatisticItem> <TourStatisticItem> <AgreementCode>sample string 2</AgreementCode> <AgreementId>1</AgreementId> <City>sample string 5</City> <Country>sample string 4</Country> <DateCreate xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:_format>sample string 4</d4p1:_format> <d4p1:_serialized>01.01.1970</d4p1:_serialized> <d4p1:_value>1970-01-01T03:00:00.003+03:00</d4p1:_value> </DateCreate> <DateEnd xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:_format>sample string 4</d4p1:_format> <d4p1:_serialized>01.01.1970</d4p1:_serialized> <d4p1:_value>1970-01-01T03:00:00.003+03:00</d4p1:_value> </DateEnd> <DateStart xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:_format>sample string 4</d4p1:_format> <d4p1:_serialized>01.01.1970</d4p1:_serialized> <d4p1:_value>1970-01-01T03:00:00.003+03:00</d4p1:_value> </DateStart> <Days>16</Days> <DebtForAgreement>11</DebtForAgreement> <Department>sample string 14</Department> <Manager>sample string 15</Manager> <Name>sample string 3</Name> <Partner>sample string 13</Partner> <PayedForAgreement>10</PayedForAgreement> <Price>9</Price> <PriceForAgency>8</PriceForAgency> <PriceForTourist>7</PriceForTourist> <ProfitFact>17</ProfitFact> <ProfitPlan>18</ProfitPlan> <StatusAgreement>sample string 12</StatusAgreement> <TourName>sample string 6</TourName> <Tourists xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:string>sample string 1</d4p1:string> <d4p1:string>sample string 2</d4p1:string> </Tourists> </TourStatisticItem> </Items> <Total>1</Total> </GetTourStatisticResponse>